Cold War Ideologies in the Latin American Catholic Church (Through letters to Camilo Torres, 1954-1962)


  • Laura Manuela Paucar Bedoya Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín


Ideologies, Cold War, Church, Latin America, Camilo Torres; 20th Century.


Based on the importance of the ideologies in the Cold War along with a transnational approach, this text makes a contextualized reading of some letters sent to Camilo Torres between 1954-1962. It shows the development of certain ideas and speeches regarding the Latin American situation that will enable an interests articulation between the Institution of the Catholic Church and the USA, creating a transnational network to intervene in Latin America with preparation of professionals and resource management. Then, it gives an explanation about the radicalization of some of these professionals towards communist ideology during the sixties, when they experience the ineffectiveness in the Latin American reality of the ideological premises inculcated by this transnational network.
Radicalization whose example will be Camilo Torres.


Fuente primaria

Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Bogotá-Colombia. Colección: Camilo Torres, Asuntos personales. Illich, Iván. “Las sombras de la caridad”. CIDOC informa, vol. IV, núm. 3 (1967)

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